Apartment 613
Solo Show: Natalie Bruvels' Paintings Enact Vengeance
Brenda Dunn
Natalie Bruvels is standing in front of a 6-foot tall painting of two abstracted lovers, coiled in a passionate embrace. The figures are abstracted, but not beyond recognition. The palate is deeply playful, and a deliberate foil for the darker undertones of Bruvels’ series..
The Charlatan
Artist Paints Over Her Ex-Lover's Canvases
Clarissa Fortin
After she broke up with her partner of 12 years, Natalie Bruvels took a paintbrush to his paintings and covered his work with her own—without asking his permission.
“There was no agreement,” she said. “They were in my studio one day and . . . something just said ‘this is happening.’”...
The Charlatan
Female Form Gets Reinterpreted in Landscapes
Brittany Gushue
Self-taught artist Natalie Bruvels released her latest series LVNDSCVPES at La Petite Mort Gallery May 24.
LVNDSCVPES playfully uses the image of the ‘vagina dentata’ (latin for toothed vagina) to illustrate the fear and awe of a Canadian settler sailing into the St. Lawrence River...